
The era of Software as a Service is over. It was a relic of the 2000s, a time when businesses were forced to navigate a labyrinth of clunky tools, cumbersome data, and operational complexity. But while the world has been transformed by the rise of AI, automation, and the global workforce, the tools we use to run our businesses have remained stagnant. It's time for a revolution.

Prave is a bet that work gets cheaper with AI agents. A vision where businesses access an on-demand workforce to achieve their goals, without the complexity and overhead. Where operational challenges, from debt collection, return processing, customer support, are seamlessly handled by skilled agents and humans in the loop. In this world, businesses focus on their core competencies, bureaucracy fades away, and "work as a service" actually does what you want instead of just giving you tools to do it yourself.

Our first skill is already single-handedly taking on the multi-billion dollar problem of fraudulent chargebacks - monitoring, compiling, disputing, and winning, all without the merchant needing to setup new workflows or train new people. But that's just the beginning. We're not just building another tool. We're forging a future where software as a service isn't just a bunch of tools, but a way to get outcomes with instant integration into your business intelligence. This revolution will be monumental. And it starts with you.